Saturday 8 September 2012


There are some bugs that I like and then other bugs that I do not like at all.  However, I do not like any bug that is in my house.  I had to deal with that most of the day today.  Bugs had infested some bird seed that I had in one of my closets.  The results were not pretty.  Ergo, I spent the day differently than I had planned--cleaning and washing and vacuuming (and vacuuming again).

When we find things like that we work frantically to rid ourselves of them.  But shouldn't we be doing that in our spiritual lives as well?  When I see sin, I should work just as frantically to root it out of my life.  I should do everything I can to rid myself of it.  I should also recognize that I cannot get rid of sin in my life by myself. It takes accountability and it takes the blood of Jesus.

There are so many sins that we see in our lives but aren't really convicted by them.  I may see pride in my life, but it's easier to live with it and simply ignore it.  Until it hurts someone or hurts me, it's easier, more convenient, to simply live with it.  I could see the sin in my life, but I wasn't convicted of it until I was robbed of my idol and spiritually hit the bottom.  Then I saw clearly the pride that I formerly had and repented of it.

I hold a different attitude now and am vigilant towards the return of that old pride.  But I need to remember to vigilant in rooting out any sin that I see in my life.  I should not ignore it any more than I could ignore the bugs in my closet after I had seen them.

God uses all ways to speak to us.  Today it was bugs...I wonder what it will be tomorrow.  :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, I agree with you, Esther! Not all bugs are considered pests. Storing a bag of bird seeds in your closet isn’t a good example of proper storage though, as this can lead to an infestation. But I can relate to your point. We cannot let our mistakes be eroded by another mistake until we bury ourselves with more. Just like with bugs. :-)

Selena Slough